Please read the following Covid-19 Guidelines which are designed to keep everyone safe as the salon re-opens.
- Please wait outside the salon for your booked appointment. Please come alone
- I will then take your temperature before you enter the salon. Please wear a face mask for the duration of visit
- Upon entering the salon please wash your hands before you take a seat at your station
- Please only bring essential belongs with you
- I unfortunately can’t serve hot drinks or provide magazines at this time. I will however have bottled water but please feel free to bring your own reading material. I also ask please no food whilst in the salon
- Each client will have their own gown and biodegradable towel per visit
- I will be wearing a visor, face mask and apron
- Each station and tools will be sterilised between clients
- We will have a one way system which will be marked out
- Please try and pay by card
- If you have any symptoms please rearrange your appointment online
Looking forward to seeing you all. Your health and safety Is my main priority.
Big hugs Rebecca